1) Umrah For Orphans
Our special Umrah for Orphans programme is more than just sending an Orphan to Umrah, it is created to aid the mental and spiritual healing of orphaned, refugee children who have grown up in nothing but a war-torn environment.
This trip could be a trip that will change their lives forever.

Umrah For Orphans
Umrah For Orphans

Umrah For Orphans 2018

Umrah for Orphans 2020 (January)

THE GIFT OF UMRAH (Umrah For Orphans 2020)
GERTV's Part In The Campaign
In 2020, a few of our GERTV members performed umrah with Palestinian orphans living in a refugee camp in Jordan and saw first-hand how meaningful the once-in-a-lifetime experience was to the orphans.
This year, GERTV pledges to raise $5,000 to support Global Ehsan Relief's Umrah For Orphans campaign and some of us will be performing umrah with these refugee orphans once again, insyaAllah.
There, our team will be doing live reports and providing the latest updates!