The Winter Season is here

The cold weather might be unnerving, but winter is not all gloomy. In reality, it might just be the perfect season for us to become closer to Allah S.W.T. Not sure how? Read on below to find out!
Taking wudhu in the cold
When it’s freezing cold, taking wudhu (ablution) is not entirely what we aim to carry out. Especially at Fajr, taking wudhu takes a lot of effort, in particular when we have to leave our warm beds.
But did you know that performing wudhu despite the struggles, is a highly recommended act?
Ibn Rajab al-Hanbal comments, with regards to this hadith, ‘Performing wudu in the intense cold is one of the best actions’. He adds that, on his deathbed, Umar (ra) advised his son Abdullah (ra) that ‘performing wudu during the days of winter’ is one of ‘the characteristics of iman (faith)’. [Source: Laṭā’if al-Ma’ārif]
Thus the next time you need to make wudhu during winter, do it without any complaint or resentment and purify your intentions!

Winter is the best time to increase your night worship
We all know that the night time is the best time for us to worship Allah S.W.T. and focus on our ibadah. And what better time to focus on our night prayers, then during the long winter nights?
Fasting during winter is easy reward
With Ramadhan 2023 only a few months away, can we say we’re ready to welcome the holy month of forgiveness?
WInter is the perfect time to prepare ourselves for Ramadhan, with the days so short, you only have to miss one meal of the day - lunch.
It’s the season to care for our loved ones
The unrelenting weather leaves many vulnerable, especially our elders or families who struggle to pay for heating. As Muslims, it’s important for us to regularly check up on our family, friends and neighbours and we should aim to do this especially during the cold season.
There’s many simple actions that we can carry out, like making someone a hot cup of tea, or sending some warm soup to our elders.
Beyond spreading goodness to just our family and friends, it’s also important for us to care for vulnerable families who are far away from their homes, such as refugees who were forced to leave their homes. They do not have essential winter items they need to cope with the snow and rainy weather.

Allah S.W.T. has given us warmth for this season, let’s spread it
This winter season is a blessing from Allah S.W.T. for us to seek rewards. It is also an opportunity for us to get rewards by providing aid to vulnerable communities who are without the protection and warmth they need this season.
Don’t let them suffer this winter.