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Volunteerism: A Family Endeavour

Why they volunteer: Young & Legends

We met Young & Legend, a family who constantly looks out for others, during our Eid ul-Adha Charity Ride in July last month.

They were a part of the volunteer groups helping out at the blocks situated at Bukit Batok.

In the midst of various other volunteering groups like the different Biker groups that collaborated together with Chapalang Brotherhood, the small family group stood out.

For them, it was not their first fundraising event. Rather, the family is experienced in volunteering activities and initiatives, even coming up with and carrying out self-initiated projects.

Didil, the dad in the family, and his wife have always been involved in volunteering from a personal standpoint. This especially when it concerns people they know or are close to such as relatives or friends.

The family relies a lot on word-of-mouth fundraising, and through this they have even managed to raise thousands of dollars.

More than that, Young & Legends aren’t just helping communities out locally - they have also completed various volunteering expeditions overseas.

For now, Didil spearheads the activities that Young & Legend plan and execute. Gradually, he hopes to pass down the responsibility to his sons.

However, during our conversation with them, they told us that one of the biggest challenges they face in their projects is the issue of logistics.

Didil shared that sometimes, the donors request for photos of their donation in action and they want proof that their donations are helping others.

While it was a reasonable request, Young & Legends were logistically unable to provide what was asked for by some donors.

We were touched by the humility of Didil, his wife and his family members. While some might find it difficult to find time to volunteer, Young & Legend has gone above and beyond in extending their help to whoever needed it, initiating their own projects and helping those near and far alike.

Additionally, the spirit of volunteerism that Didil and his wife has instilled in their family is commendable and something we should try to replicate. Nurturing a sense of compassion and empathy in our children for others is a virtue that we should all strive for.

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